2021 Challenge Winners
View the Finale Event HERE
Our Voice for Change- in Partnership with SD23 and Society for Humane Science
Not even COVID could stop these amazing young change makers! Incredible work ethic and passion from these 4 young women of Our Voice for Change
Congratulations to Our Voice for Change for winning our top award of $5000 donated by Kairos Foundation. Ending animal dissections, protecting animal rights and student choice was the goal of this dynamic and committed group of grade 9 young women from Okanagan Mission School. Their love of animals and passion to lead change has interrupted the education system with new ideas and forward thinking alternatives to animal dissection in science classrooms. Working with local mentors, the Kelowna SPCA and the Society for Humane Science, they have researched and built a strong program to end traditional animal experimentation in their own school and eventually district wide. Working with the support of their administration team, faculty and their peers, they were able to present their case as to why humane alternatives are not only kinder to animals but actually create a better learning environment for everyone. They plan to use their funds to purchase digital models for dissections and begin to transform the program in their science department. They want to educate others in the district on how they are impacting Global Goals #4, Quality Education, #12 Responsible Consumption and Production and #15 Life on Land. Annabelle, Lexie, Erin and Caitlin shared a common bond in their friendship over a love of animals. This has led them on a path of impacting the plight of animals and creating meaningful change in the hearts and minds of their school community and beyond. “Ditch Dissection” and “Scrap the Scalpel” were their tag lines to bring awareness to this issue they care about. Find out more on their website HERE and follow them on their many social media sites where they are spreading their message.
2022 Update:
Our Voice for Change has been growing their project ever since winning the SDC in 2021. They were hosts at our live Challenge Event in February and they recently presented at TEDX Youth in Kelowna. See their presentation HERE. They have now received the official word that they were successful in changing student OPT OUT policy for animal dissection in their district. They also just received a $1000 award from Ingenious+ These students are on their way to realizing an education system that does not use animals for science. Follow them on Instagram and their website.
OKM Composting - in Partnership with SD 23 and Spa Hills Compost
OKM Composting team ready to change OKM into leaders in sustainability!
Winning $1500 to bring school-wide composting to Okanagan Mission School, this grade 10 team is ready to spread awareness about the benefits of using food waste for good! To impact Global Goals #11, Sustainable Communities, #12, Responsible Production and Consumption and #13, Climate Action, Avery, Taylor and Maddy have created OKM Composting. They noticed a disconnect at their school when nobody was talking about the fact that there wasn’t a compost program at their school, yet everyone knew the benefits. They set out to change that! Partnering with local Spa Hills Compost and their own school, they will use their funds to provide for weekly pick up of compost. This in turn will be used to improve the soil at Spa hills and complete the cycle of growing healthier food while reducing food waste that enters the land fill. They plan to share their knowledge and passion with other schools in the district including elementary schools who are in their neighbourhood. This team simply asked the question; “why isn’t anyone doing anything about this?” and then they decided to take it on themselves. Throughout the process they have connected with local experts from the regional district who shared their research and science on methane gas emissions from food waste in the landfill. Now they are the experts in their own school and leading the way to impact change. This team is already on their way and have a detailed plan of how they are going to create a legacy at their school by being the leaders in sustainability. Follow them on their Instagram HERE.
Zed Ed Podcast - in Partnership with SD 23 and Staples Studio
Ready to hit the stage at the Challenge and deliver their pitch on Zed ED!
This team from KSS has big plans for their $1000 award. When they recognized the need to create open dialogue on important issues with their peer group, Gen Z, they created ZED ED Podcast. By building a podcast booth and learning how to engage youth in their school and community this team wants to impact Global Goal #3, Good Health and Well Being while targeting all of the 17 goals through their show topics. Thanks to Staples Studio who welcomed them into their podcast space and shared tips and tricks, this team is already several episodes into their all student led podcast show. You can find them on Spotify and many other sites, discussing issues, answering questions, featuring guests and doing it all their way! This team starting by learning the Global Goals in their environmental science class and their idea for their project was a hit with classmates and staff alike. They are change makers and leaders who are creating grass roots impact in the lives of those at their school and in the other young people they plan to include in their format. Follow them and listen to their unique way of shedding light on a youth voice. Follow them HERE.
Plan B Video Winners
Using a phone camera, some creativity, passion about a cause and one minute to inspire others, were the tasks for these young film makers. Thank you to our sponsors, Planet B Honey and GECCO for awarding 4 prizes in this category. Students are encouraged to donate their funds to their partner organizations to further the work on the Global Goals they are addressing. Congratulations to the following teams.
OKM students call out big business and government subsidies for fossil fuels….all while the planet’s future depends on clean energy, Global Goal #7. Partnering with BCSEA.
Constable Neil Bruce middle school students are waking up to the fact that not all women and girls have a voice. Partnering with HER International to raise awareness about gender inequality they are targeting Global Goal #5.
It seems young women in the Okanagan have a will to learn about and fight for their gender to receive equality. Calling out common stereotypes that harm a woman’s rights, these students have a strong message. They partnered with HER International.
Youth mental health and Global Goal #3 are the focus of this CNB student video. A reminder of the importance of reaching out to others when you need help. Partnering with Stepping Stones.
Arts for Social Change awards
Using their artistic talent to impact the Global Goals that matter to them, students were asked to create an original artistic piece. 16 pieces were on public exhibit at the Rotary Centre for the Arts from Feb. 1-24th. Thanks to our sponsors, Gorman’s Mill, Tracey Horton Davis and Canadian Heritage Grant for supporting the arts in this category. Recipients were: Ryan Williams, Shannon Gica, Renatta Waller, Ana Morales, Lincoln Griffin, Mila Smith, Nadia Himmelstein, Owen Martin, Sofia Corlazzoli, Ben Jethro Sia, Fabianna Diaz, Isabella Hubert, Chance Dreyer, Finley Dober, Hailie Cruickshank and Fin Redman.