The Question:
Do you have students who are ready to tackle big issues? Join us as we support their journey!
“There is no more powerful transformative force than education—to promote human rights and dignity, to eradicate poverty and deepen sustainability, to build a better future for all, founded on equal rights and social justice, respect for cultural diversity, and international solidarity and shared responsibility, all of which are fundamental aspects of our common humanity.”
The Sustainable Development Challenge provides students the opportunity to learn about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and choose a Goal they want to act on. We offer TWO ways to participate: Project and Pitch, a team based project solution model and Arts for Social Change, a creative arts project to promote awareness and a call to response. All components encourage student engagement, community outreach, mentorship, and collaboration on sustainability issues.
Educators can use the Challenge within their classroom curriculum or support those students in their school who are wanting to enter a project.
Help us inspire youth to move to action!
Contact us to schedule an info session or book a classroom visit:
Teacher Responsibilities
Make a difference in YOUR students’ lives.
The teacher/adult sponsor should support the students and provide guidance to ensure their project fits into one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Teachers can use the Challenge or Arts for Change as a class wide exercise and have all students prepare a project.
Teachers can promote the opportunities to students in their schools who would benefit from entering a project on their own.
Teachers/Adult Sponsors can remind students of criteria expectations and compulsory participation events. They can help learn more about the Global Goals through lessons or source sharing. They should also be available to discuss the project as necessary.
Teachers/Adult Sponsors can help facilitate additional support and resources as students needs dictate.
It is important for students to come to their own conclusions and write their own material. It is unacceptable to have adults write the speeches or lines that students present on stage.
A teacher and/or adult sponsor must accompany the students to the Challenge and supervise the presentation.
Students will leave the SDC enlightened about global issues and empowered about how each of us can make a difference in global-sized problems.
Students will be encouraged by meeting other like-minded youth and adults who are eager to take on the challenge of meeting the Sustainable Development Goals.
Students will be empowered to think beyond themselves. Past winners of the SDC have mentioned that they received an incredible sense of empowerment by making a concrete contribution to urgent social issues.
The SDC makes a great addition to all areas of study. Whether your students participate as part of your classwork or are an independent entry under your guidance, all material and skills can be related easily to the new curriculum. All registered participants who complete criteria will receive participation letters and top projects will receive funds to further their cause. Students participating in the main Challenge and Pitch Project may receive extra credits for completion.
Students learn about the Sustainable Development Goals, discover the issues they care about, collaborate with their peers, meet local community organizations, learn from mentors, formulate a finished project, and have the opportunity to speak publicly about their ideas.
Younger students can use their experience to prepare themselves to take bigger steps towards solving the causes they care about and High school students can use their SDC experience to support their application service awards, scholarships, and bursaries. All participants have been positively impacted by the SDC!
Don’t Take It From Us
Educators are praising the Challenge for how it fits seamlessly into the new curriculum.
Additional Resources
Watch this TEDx for inspiration! “Teaching is the most important profession in the world”
Free Teacher Education courses from Microsoft Education community! Amazing resource for teacher learning! See them HERE!
The Epicentre for ideas for teachers.
Science Teachers! You have to see this!
Elementary Science and Goal #15 Life on Land- Pollinators! Lessons Here CWF
Lesson plans on the UN, the Goals and using social media to engage peers. Check it out HERE
Textile Arts (Fashion) and the Global Goals-Arts for Social Change see link HERE
Creative samples for “Plan B” videos:, ,,, , , , , ,
Scalable SDC activities for all ages:
Great source for educators of all ages!
Ready to take action?