What a time to be Alive!

As we begin planning for the 2021 Sustainable Development Challenge, I think about all the young people who are worried about the state of things in the world today. Right now at this moment there are so many pressing issues that we are all processing: a world pandemic that is still on the rise, the planet we call home is in imminent danger if we don’t turn back the clock on global warming, an unstable and tumultuous political climate in the US, a movement that is exposing years of systemic racism- all making us question the future. What a time to be alive! What an amazing opportunity our young people have to take their fears and frustration and join a positive movement for change. I can’t wait to see the ideas that have been cultivating during this global “pause” and what projects are in store for next year’s Challenge. We are working to build a stronger more inclusive platform for our our youth teams. If you are ready to take a front seat in driving sustainable solutions for People, Prosperity, Peace, Partnerships and the Planet, the core values of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, then Join Us in the 2021 Sustainable Development Challenge-coming this September.

Carmen Denby